

Development of a hydraulically operated platform for the simulation of earthquakes on civil structures within certain limits of maximum intensity.

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Requirements and design specifications

  • Hydraulic system for the simulation of earthquakes.
  • Ability to simulate earthquakes of a certain size.

Performed activities

  • Concept development.
  • Structural design: having to handle structures even of 1200 kg, a series of simulations and structural verifications were carried out to ensure the resistance of the device to the stresses it is subjected to.
  • Actuation system: due to this type of oscillations, the hydraulic actuation system is strongly stressed. A series of simulations of the table were performed to ensure the ideal choice of the actuation system.
  • Cunsultancy during the realisation phase (coordinating the workshops and selecting the commercial components to buy).
  • Development of the control system to ensure compliance with the earthquake requested profiles.
  • Development of graphical interface: touch screen device allowing the user to upload the type of earthquake he wants to simulate and launch the test.

Goals achieved

  • Turnkey device including the control system and user control interface.
  • Device simulating the required seismic events faithfully.
  • Mechanically suitable device to withstand the loads it is subjected to.
  • Ease of use: the interface allows you to upload the motion profile, view it, and execute it.

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