Knowledge of vision systems and development of algorithms dedicated to implementation in automatic machines.
The 2D vision systems represent a valid solution to identify a specific feature in a product in a specific conditions/orientation.
This technology has been integrated into MDQUADRO projects/machines since the first years of activity. Specific algorithms have been developed for the applications and which allow, thanks to the strong integration with automation, to obtain very performing machines/devices.
Based on the research activities developed in the field of 3D vision, MDQUADRO has developed a sample device dedicated to the validation of the algorithms developed for bin picking operations.
The sample device consists in a small industrial robot to manipulate the products and a 3D industrial camera to analyze the scene in which the robot must operate (both the gripping area and the product release area).
The development of the vision software for the analysis of objects in a 3D environment, the robot control software and the product database, allow to optimize, by introducing the robot kinematics solution, the trajectories of the robot gripper according to the shape of the object and the gripping point.
The product release zone can be organized according to different criteria, such as: